Daydream Nation

How did Daydream Nation come to be?
Daydream Nation was basically what came out of a year of writing and recording songs on the dole, back in 2003. I’d had enough of working shitty jobs, and figured I’d rather be making music then working. I basically locked myself in my recording studio, and just wrote as much music as I could come up with. I kept writing up until the a month or two before the government was going to throw me off the dole, and then picked the songs that would make the first Daydream Nation record, and mixed them up. After I found Elephant Stone Records to put it out, I got a call from Hunter, who was a friend of Ben Vendetta's, who owns Elephant Stone, and he asked if I wanted to work with him on the next Daydream Nation record. So I spent the summer of ‘04 writing what was to become Bella Vendetta, and then packed my bags for Los Angeles, and set about making another record. After working with Hunter, I knew he’d be a good fit to work with, and then Daydream Nation became a duo.
How, if it did at all, did your home and surroundings influence your music?
Well I never really listened to any Canadian music per say, if anything I think most of its complete shit, especially Metric and that lot. Seriously how the fuck can anyone like that music? My record collection pretty much consists of loads of British bands. And a lot of older stuff, I’m a big fan of a lot of old 60's bands etc.
What bands influenced Daydream Nation, and what drew you to the type of music you play?
The biggest bands were probably the Creation Records lot, bands like Swervedriver Ride MBV, JMC those guys actually pointed me towards the music I wanted to make, although I guess there is probably a lot more that probably influenced me somehow somewhere down the line, I’ve been obsessed with music for as long as I can remember, so its hard for me to dissect my writing influences.
What are your current favorite bands?
Honestly I cant really think of any, not to sound completely down on music, but there is so much shitty music out there right now, that’s its made me lose my appetite to seek out new bands. I still just listen to the golden oldies Swervedriver, the Stones, Bowie, Beatles, Etc. But I’m still optimistic that the haircut synth music will die a much deserved death, the way hair metal went out, and cool music will rise again.
How do you think your previous bands influenced Daydream Nation’s music?
Well, I didn’t really play in any real bands before Daydream Nation, Hunter was in the Warlocks, and the Brian Jonestown Massacre, you’d have to ask him about that, although we’ve been lucky enough to have people check us out, because of his association with the Brian Jonestown Massacre, although we don’t really have anything in common with that lot.
What were the early days of Daydream Nation like?
Dole checks, cigarettes, and lots of fun and creativity.
You’ve been described as a cross between Sonic Youth, My Bloody Valentine, The Jesus and Mary Chain, and lots more. How would you describe your own music?
I don’t know, I’ll leave people to draw their own conclusions. Its just rock’n’roll to my ears.
How are songs written for Daydream Nation? Is it the work of one member, or more group composure?
I pretty much write all the music, and arrangements. And Hunter plays drums and handles the production elements of the music. Although sometimes we get help from friends etc, if it works it works that’s my attitude, I’m not a control freak about our stuff.
What’s more important for you in a song? The lyrics or the instrumentals?
I think both, especially with the new stuff that I’m working on, my lyrics are starting to be less generalized and more direct and reflective of my life, not to say they weren’t before, those lyrics mean a lot to me, but on the last 2 albums I was all about the melodies and the music rather than the words, they were always last on the agenda. I think you need both elements to be deeply personal, or you never really experience catharsis with the music. Besides there is nothing more beautiful than throwing yourself completely into a song, and letting it all out, and not being afraid of saying what you really want to say.
Which do you like more? Playing live or recording?
Well since we haven’t played a show, I'd say recording. The thing is Daydream Nation music has a lot of shit going on in it, this music would be very hard to pull of live, without 5 guitar players and an orchestra, at certain points. But having said that, I would love to do it live, and connect with our fans on that level, I really really want to do that, it would be so cool. I’m just waiting for someone to kick us the dough to be able to do it right, cause I refuse to compromise the music, if that means we never play live than so be it, although I hope that’s not the case down the road.
In general, which way (live or recording) do you feel is the best for listening to music?
That’s a great question, both a certain times, I mean a really great live show, can blow your fucking head off, cant it? I saw Richard Ascroft awhile ago with my girlfriend, and it was so amazing. That show totally moved me, and his energy was fantastic and so personal you know? On the other hand I’ve had a set of headphones glued to my head since I was 13 years old, sometimes just walking down the street, listening to music can pop your lid, so I guess both have their place you know? Music is just such a personal experience, I really think the experience is unique to everybody.
How would you describe the UK music scene?
Crap, these days its just parody music you know, the UK has lost it balls in my opinion, I ask you where the fuck did all the great bands go? And the ones that are around are a joke, aside from the Doves they rule. I mean Noel Gallagher is a fucking joke now! Hey lyla...........blah blah blah. How did that guy write so much amazing music, and then go completely limp? Sad really. The NME doesn’t help either, they have no choice but to champion every asshole in Camden, cause they have to sell their shitty ass paper, so basically rather then shutting down shop till something worth writing about comes along, they basically find some band to suck up too, and tell everybody that the music is actually good and sell loads of papers, and funny enough people buy it!!
How would you describe your new single, "Feed Me A Kiss"?
Its got loads of guitars, swirling organs, and a nice hook. Go buy it!
What can we expect from Daydream Nation in the near future? Tours, new albums?
Well we have a new EP coming out soon enough with 5 new tunes, and I’ve just finished writing the next Daydream Nation full length which well probably start recording in the fall.
Could you describe the experience? Favorite memories and that kind of stuff?
Its been a blast, I wouldn’t change anything for a second, I love making music, no matter how stressed i get at times, it always seems worth it to me.
What hopes or goals do you have for Daydream Nation?
Make more records, hopefully tour a bit, maybe meet the Queen of England, who knows!
Can you see yourself doing this in 20, 30, 40 years?
I think ill always be involved in making music, not sure on what level, cause it takes a lot of energy when its your main gig, id like to write, and pursue other passions, I’m really into gardening these days, hahaha.
What has been your best/worst/funniest/favorite memory with Daydream Nation?
Man, I don’t know, their have been a lot of each. Best moment- Mixing "A Passing Notion", and knowing I had written the song I had been after my whole life Funniest- Watching Hunter have a few nervous breakdowns mixing "Bella", and then having a few beside him, and freaking out at the same time. That is probably my worst moment as well. And my all time favorite moment is when Hunter and I raided that zoo one night, and stole those penguins.
Has it all been worth it up until now?
Absolutely, I wouldn’t have it any other way, I love my songs like children, I couldn’t imagine having spent all this time doing, or worrying over anything else!
(All Questions Answered by Pat Vaz of Daydream Nation, 6-6-06)
More information on Daydream Nation can be found at
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